Each year we like to celebrate Easter with our clients. This year it seemed more important than ever. So we created a special Easter game. The story goes like this:
After the February quake, people here in Christchurch were suffering from ‘quake brain’ and then, for many, depression set in.
We all needed to find a way to get our feelings out and then move forward.
Being designers, and all young at heart, we came up with our own version of this wonderful classic children’s game.
The Book Design way involved each of us writing down our thoughts on how the Earthquake made us feel. All the negative ones ...
- What will happen next?
- Constant tiredness
- Sadness at all the loss
- Feeling cheated
- Sharing with others
- Focusing on work
- Thankful for family and friends being safe
- Wanting to succeed
- Having unbroken bottles of wine
What we found was that we all shared the same fears and we all had many different ways to move forward.
Our team was united and able to offer each other support in moving on.
Now we want to give back to you in thanks for all the fantastic support. If you didn't receive the game, but would like one. Just drop us a line.